Fastrack your Success in 2023

Fastrack Success in 2023!

The month of December is a time for reflection and self-improvement. We all have different goals that we want to achieve in the new year, but it’s important to start making small changes now so that we can be successful when January rolls around. Below, I wanted to write about the 6 areas that High Performers focus on improving. And, whether you want to get in shape, improve your relationships, or even learn a new skill, there are plenty of ways to get started!

#1 Health

How do you prioritise your health? Do you feel that your health (both physical and emotional) is working for you and allowing you to perform at your best? As the busy time of year approaches this can be a struggle so, coming into the new year I encourage you to think about how you can prioritise your health both through this period and moving forward.

#2 Your Relationship with Your Significant Other

Do you feel a consistently deep trusting and loving connection with your partner or does life get in the way and all the tasks you have to do on a daily basis. Do you live together but live past each other? I know with us and the four little ones, this can often be a struggle for us, so in 2023 I will be having the conversation of, how can we, on a more consistent basis spend more time with each other without distractions?

#3 Finances

The holidays can also be a tough time for our finances. Between buying gifts, travel expenses, and all the other added extras, it’s easy to overspend. If you’re not careful, you can find yourself in debt come the new year. Now is a good time to also reflect and ask yourself the following question. Do you have the level of abundance that you wanted for this period in your life at this time? Do you spend and save at the levels that you had hoped for, or is there something holding you back? And, if the answer is no, what could you do to help yourself moving forward?

#4 Family and Friends:

Prioritising the relationships that are most important to you and making time for quality interactions is super important. Don’t feel like you have to attend every party or go out every night. It’s okay to say no and focus on taking care of yourself and those closest to you. Do you have a social circle that you connect with really well and that bring out the best in you or is networking something that you may need to focus on in 2023?

#5 Career

The end of the year is a great time to reassess your career goals. If you’re not happy with your current job, maybe it’s time to change something in the workplace, talk to your boss or your employee, or even start looking for a new one. December is the perfect time to reflect on what you want from your career and make a plan to achieve it. It’s also the time to look at your career and ask yourself.. Does this give me what I need? Am I satisfied in my role? If I wanted to improve in this area even a little, what would I need to do differently?

#6 Favourite Pastimes/ Hobby

Do you have a hobby that you enjoy doing? Do you have a sport that you want to play more of? What is something that you have always wanted to learn but you have not had the chance to do so yet? Now is the perfect time to sit and reflect on where you can spend more time doing just that.

There are always huge opportunities all around us for growth. We do not need to change everything all in one day, but at the same time, if we don’t change anything, our outcome will always remain the same so, by improving even by 1% we are moving forwards.

Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday!

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