RAISING NECESSITY- Moving from Comfort to Aspiration to Reach Success

Do you sometimes feel like the fish in the bowl?  Circling and circling but not getting the outcomes you desire… Afraid to jump into the next bowl, or into the next project for the fear of the unknown?

Well, that space between the two bowls is where necessity lies, and if we can move from one bowl (let’s call that comfort zone) and into the next, then suddenly we can aspire to do more, to be more, to produce and get results.

As a leader, we know that there are things that we need, changes that we need to make and things that we need to focus on, but sometimes it’s hard to implement what we want to achieve.

We make excuses for all the reasons why we can’t do something, but what would happen if we stopped the excuses? Imagine if we found the courage to create a lasting impact and take the leap.

Well, the truth is, it’s much easier than you think, and it can happen using 4 easy steps.

Step 1: Find your reason

Work out who needs you to be your best? You can’t raise your necessity if you do not absolutely know the reason that you are doing something.

  • Work out why you need to achieve this outcome. What is your business goal?
  • What is the aim of the project or task that you are undertaking?

Step 2: Find Like Minded People

  • You do this by becoming more disciplined to act, more disciplined to do better and more disciplined to want more.
  • Who is on your team to help you achieve your goal? Do you have the right people surrounding you?

Step 3: Look at your current habits

  • What do you need to stop doing- what isn’t serving you and what can you eliminate?
  • What should you continue doing- what is moving you forward?
  • What do you need to start doing that you have been delaying- what’s necessary to get you moving forward with greater momentum?

Step 4: Overcome the fear of failure and take the leap

  • Fear of failure is a large problem that holds many individuals and business owners back.
  • Knowing that there will be hardships along the way will give you a greater chance of success as you can look at every difficulty as an opportunity to grow
  • Being prepared and knowing that you will fail, yet and having the mindset that this will help you, is vital for business success
So what are you waiting for? It may just be your time to jump bowls!

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