The Importance Of Preparation: Why Failing To Prepare Means You’re Preparing To Fail
- 2 February, 2023
- Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Franchise Coaching, High Performance Coaching
Preparation – the 5 keys to success
Our level of productivity has a huge impact on our lives. This extends from our relationships, managing our schedules with them and the time we leave for the things we enjoy. Finding time for all these activities in our busy calendars is critical and preparation is key to your overall success.
One of the most common reasons for failure is a lack of preparation. This is certainly true when it comes to business, but it also extends to our personal lives as well.
Using business as an example, if we are aiming for success in this area which undoubtably we are, preparation and forward planning is key. So then, why does failing to prepare mean you’re preparing to fail and how do we flip that around, so you no longer struggle and are able to better manage your time?
When it comes to business, the most successful companies are those that have taken the time to plan, strategize and prepare in advance. Not only does this help ensure that the business is ready to face any challenges that may come its way, but it also sets the business up for success in the long-term. And, when these companies prepare a strategy and plan, the most successful ones are ones that will cover both their long and short-term goals. In other words, they are setting themselves up for the long game as well, learn more about that in my article, “Setting yourself up for the long game“.
Successful business’ plan for what they want to achieve now, in six months, in two years, in five years and so on. And, they think about how they will go about achieving those goals?
By looking ahead to what and where they want to be in the future, it ensures that all the steps taken today are working towards a successful tomorrow. And that means by doing things right today you can prepare for possible surprises or obstacles along the way.
Just like this example in business, this same principle can be applied to any areas of our lives.
To see how this can work for you get started, I would love you to answer these 5 questions to begin preparing yourself for success:
What is one project that you are working on?
What is the timeframe in which you would like this project completed?
What are the 5 steps that need to happen to get you there, in order?
What date would you like each step (listed in question 3 completed by?
What block of time (daily, weekly, etc) will you dedicate to completing this project?
These are just a few simple steps to begin to get you on your way. By following these steps, you can not only set the larger goal with the timeframe, but you can also lay out the steps under each section and give yourself a deadline to hold yourself accountable to do so.
I know once you get started you will see how these 5 easy steps of preparation is the key to achieving your goals and being a consistent high performer.
If you find you need more help with this, or want to chat, feel free to book a call on the link below, I would love to help!
Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday!
Written by
- Belinda Colubriale