Elevate… and how it ties into High Performance Living

When we speak about high performance, we speak about reaching and maintaining a certain level of performance, and so to me that’s why I chose the word ‘Elevate’ to be a major part of my brand.  Elevate is about reaching that next level, all whilst maintaining your health and well-being, something that every High Performer has at the front of their mind.

Whether you are an executive or a leader and you are elevating and aligning your team, or whether you are elevating your profits, elevating your work life balance or  ‘elevating your thinking’, a high performer is always ‘elevating’ on some level.  To me that’s where the magic lies.  It’s having a vision, yet not knowing how far your dreams can take you, but being willing to put in the work to get yourself there.

Self Reflection:

If you had to stop and think about an area where you wanted to ELEVATE in your professional and personal life, what area would that be?

The same philosophy was used when I was creating my tagline;

‘Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday’.

I wanted to encapsulate three words that define how I wanted to live moving forward, and how I wanted others to recognise me. I needed to find clarity around not only who I wanted to be, but also around how I wanted to show up.

My first word was successful. To me successful is important because it means I am always striving towards my version of success. It is important as I have quite large goals and dreams, for myself, for my family and for those I work with and so the meaning of success to me is being the best version of myself and bringing out the best in those I am around.

My second word is purposeful. To me purposeful means being deliberate in my actions. This word is powerful as I am acting from a place of meeting people where they are at, and understanding that at any given moment, that is best that someone has to offer. And, as we know, this can sometimes be hard to comprehend. Purposeful also means that I know where I am heading and where I want to be. It means having a vision, and so it is much easier to say no to what doesn’t serve. It means being aligned and congruent to where I want to head and following a path that is unique and feels good to me. It also means aligning myself with the right people who support and encourage my journey, helping me to grow and develop along the way.

Finally, my last word is fully charged. This word is all about energy, and it’s the word that as a mum of four busy little people and someone who has a business it means I need to show up as the best version of me. It means bringing my best energy to situations both mentally and physically. It means listening to my body and my mind and finding the areas that need improving and working on those without overfilling what is on my plate. Fully charged means finding ways for me to tweak routines, diets, habits and mindsets so I know that I am choosing to live my best life. This word is important to me because I know that if I am using my best energy then both myself and others are experiencing the best version of me.

To me, these three words are always a work in progress and again that’s what high performance living is, always improving and tweaking, but they are the words I set as prompts in my phone to remind me how to be daily, and they are the words that I strive to live by.

Self Reflection: Today ask yourself…

What would the three words be that you would want to live by moving forward, and why are they important to you?

Live a successful, purposeful and fully charged life everyday!

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Reaching High Performance in Business and in Life

Secret Sauce of a Successful Franchise

Elevate Your Thinking